happy valentine

Because You're Special

21.7.2022 - The Day My Life Changed

The Beginning, The Spark

Do you remember how we met? You were just sitting there, doing your own thing, and Iβ€”I was gone the moment I saw you. I probably said something silly just to make you smile, and somehow, it worked. That’s how we started.

The Crazy Part, Falling in Love

Then came the crazy partβ€”staying up late talking, my heart racing every time you said my name, all the little things that made me fall for you more and more. We laughed, we argued, we learned everything about each other. But no matter what, we never gave up.

We Came Really Far!

And now? Love feels different. It’s in the way you steal the blanket at night, in the way we sit quietly but still feel close. It’s not wild like beforeβ€”it’s something stronger. Something real.

3 Reason I think you're the best girlfriend

1. You're caring like a other

2. You're REALLYY beautiful

3. You're smart and I'm proud of you

This Is My Number Sweetie

A Song That Reminds Of You
